On Bava Kamma and a Dog
Ta Sh'ma- Come and Learn!
Words, Words,
I am a Woman. I am.
The Day After
Fasts: A Photography Project
Sometimes You Need to be Seen
Thoughts on Daf Yomi
Abba Hilkia's Wife
When the Rain Doesn’t Fall
The Prayer of the Witnesses
The Open Table
The Goat is Falling
Daf Yomi: Completion of Masechet Shabbat
Painting a Tree Red
Can a Blind Person Say a Blessing Upon Witnessing a Miracle? A Top Ten List of Masekhet Berakhot
The Maze of Daf Yomi
Welcome to "Words Have Wings."
During the year following the death of a parent it is their children's responsibility to say the kaddish. This blog is a series of reflections while saying the kaddish for my late mother, Irma Gershkowitz.