#summer #covid #grandchildren #greatestgifts #gifts #pearls #diamonds #rubies #jewels #necklace #thegiftofgrandparenting #summergifts
Make me a summer necklace
A necklace of stones, of jewels and flowers
A necklace that will keep me through the winter
Support me with sweet memories, the light of summer sunshine
A chain of gifts that you gave me during hot days in July and August
Clasped with a hundred sweet pictures in my mind
N, you are the diamond in my summer necklace
A diamond filled with bike rides and coding, legos and swimming
A clear stone of many sides, each side reflecting a thought, an action
Questions that you ask, your memory so sharp
Your shy smile, your mane of black hair, your fingers on the piano keys
You are my brilliant diamond
E, you are the ruby in my summer necklace
A warm red stone filled with stories
Elves and demons, pages of the books you have read
The facts you keep in your mind, your beautiful smile, your black curls
Your biking, the joy on your face as you swim in the water
You are my shimmering red ruby
K, you are the emerald in my summer necklace
Your represent the vibrant green of the plants you faithfully nurture
You notice everything in the leaves, the raindrops and the flowers
Long legged as you bike, dribble, swim, climb and run
Attentive as you fish and a growing Boston sports fan
You are my glowing green jewel
A, you are the opal in my summer necklace
Your eyes have the flecks of green and yellow like a fire
You are a lover of animals, of insects and most of all, of frogs
You see the world through eyes of wonder
A world of princesses, unicorns, fairies and toads
You are my twinkling opal
M, you are the sapphire in my summer necklace
A sapphire as blue as the sky filled with your ideas
One hour a reporter, the next an artist, and then a doctor
With strength you pedal your bicycle, with energy you share your ideas
Your giggle brings a waterfall of joy when I hear it
You are my bright sapphire
G, you are the pearl in my summer necklace
A pearl in whose reflection all the colors are seen
You dance and sing, you readily share your changing views of the world
You splash and slide, you climb and adore your snacks
What you say reveals how you are figuring out your growing world
You are my pearl that reflects many a world of colors
T, you are the amethyst in my summer necklace
An amethyst of a thousand bright purples and pinks like the tutus you wear
Smiling eyes, sharing happy thoughts as you sillily giggle
Footsteps that bring me to drink tea or explore the neighborhood
The sound of your voice revealing boundless enthusiasm and joy
You are my sparkling violet amethyst
M, you are the chain of my summer necklace
Made of solid gold, tiny loops connecting and strengthening
I melt when I see you smile, your eyes crinkling at the edges with humor
Your dimples, your legs chubby and solid, there to support you as you stand
You are just beginning to explore the world, to climb, soon to walk and then run
You are my sunshine, my golden chain
You are my necklace, my jewels, the gift that I cherish
I will always hold this necklace dear, wearing it close to my heart
I will hold it in my hand as the weather grows cold and icy
Close my eyes and see the sparkle in the stones, the warmth of the gold
I'll remember the summer, the sunshine and you, the jewels on my chain
You are my greatest legacy, forever lasting
Dear Reader,
Just a note to you that all of my jewels are equally rated!
From a grateful grandmother to her grandchildren during this period of Covid. As we stand on the edge of going back to school, I am reflecting back upon a special summer, a summer where being together was never once taken for granted.
