#girlfriends #buddies #covidanchors #friends #support #friendsmeantheworld #whoareyourfriends #oldfriends #newfriends #makenewfriends #bridges #ancientromanbridges #buildingbridges #smoothtravels #strongbonds #fortheages #friends
Ancient Roman bridges
Were built strong and sturdy
Meant to be there for the long haul
They offered smooth travels
Withstood winds and rain and erosion
They supported the weights of armies and wagons
And travelers and pilgrims
Roman bridges were beautiful then
And beautiful now
They still stand today
Still strong after two thousand years
Friends are like Roman bridges
Building a friendship is like building a bridge
Bridges are constructed stone by stone
Built with care
Each stone carved lovingly
Stones packed tightly together
Stones supporting one another
Without the support of other stones
The bridge would fall.
I am amazed that an arced bridge
Can carry the weight of so many
Effortlessly embracing a universe of footsteps
So it is with friends.
Friendship is built stone by stone
Each stone is a story, a worry, a fear and a hope
One story supporting another.
Each story placed tightly until the bridge is complete
The bridge of stories and tears and laughter is beautiful to see
The stones support one another
With each shared story the bridge grows a little stronger.
Bridges don't break.
They carry the load with amazing grace and beauty.
The bridge of friendship is sometimes short and sometimes long
Breaches are repaired, the stones are maintained
Sometimes the bridge is used every day and then unused for a while,
It waits patiently until it is used again
But its shared stories keep it strong.
The bridge is a constant.
It might be rained on or blown by wind, but the bridge still stands.
It is strong against the wind, solid and true
Some of its stones hold secrets, some tears and some deep laughter
Always standing faithful and true.
My friends,
You know what they say;
"Make new friends, but keep the old.
One is silver and the other gold."
Gold is precious and silver is lasting.
I wouldn't trade in either.
To my friends:
You are the stones that make up my bridge.